TIE New Curriculum Advance Level Syllabus 2024|MPYA Mitaala na Mihtasari Sekondari Elimu ya Juu


The word syllabus is derived from Greek word “sillybos” which means “table of contents.  In education, a syllabus is a written document containing statements of what are to be learned, how and with what teaching and learning materials (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987). Also, syllabus is defined as the specification of a teaching content of a particular subject for a particular group of learners (Widdowson, 1990). 


Structure and organization of the Tanzania’s science and mathematics syllabus 

The current science and mathematics syllabi are organized into 6 chapters, namely

 Chapter 1: Introduction, 

Chapter 2: Objectives of education in Tanzania,

 Chapter 3: Objectives of secondary education,

 Chapter 4: General subject competences,

 Chapter 5: General subject objectives and

 Chapter 6: Structure of the syllabus. 


Chapter 1: Introduction

In the introduction, a brief introduction about the syllabus is provided.


Chapter 2: Objectives of education in Tanzania

Statements of the said objectives are provided in this chapter. For example, a total of 7 objectives have been listed in the biology syllabus for secondary schools for form I-IV (2010).


Chapter 3: Objectives of secondary education 

The said objectives are provided in this chapter. It also includes the aims of secondary education. For example, a total of 7 objectives and aims of secondary education have been listed in the biology syllabus for secondary schools for form I-IV (2010).


Chapter 4: General subject competences

This chapter lists a number of competences to be promoted by the subject by the end of the 4 years of O-level secondary education. With reference to Biology syllabus, 4 competences are suggested, as follows:

i.        Appropriate use of biological knowledge

ii.       Record, analyze and interpret data from scientific investigation using appropriate methods

iii.      Demonstrate knowledge and skills

iv.      Access relevant information for self-study and life-long learning

Additionally, competences for each class level are also suggested in the class level’s respective sections.



Chapter 5: General subject objectives

Subject objectives are provided in this chapter. For example, a total of 7 subject objectives have been listed in the biology syllabus for secondary schools for form I-IV (2010).


Chapter 6: Structure and organization of the syllabus. 

In this chapter an outline of what is to be learned is prescribed. In the preliminary pages of this chapter, a detailed explanation of 7 key components of a syllabus is provided. It also provides a list of class level competences. 

In subsequent pages, 7 columns are presented to organize the current science and mathematics syllabi. The 7 columns which represent the 7 key components of the syllabus include; topic, sub-topics, specific objectives, teaching and learning methods / strategies, teaching and learning resources, assessment and number of period




1.    Arabic Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V = VI

2.    Chemistry Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

3.    English Language Syllabus for Advance Secondary Education Form V - VI

4.    Literature in English Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

5.    Sport Studies Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

6.    Accountancy Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

7.    Advanced Textiles and Garment Construction Form V - VI

8.    Mathematics Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

9.    Agriculture for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

10.  Basic Applied Mathematics Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

11.  Computer Science Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Form V - VI

12.  Economics Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

13.  Fine Art Syllabus Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

14.  Food and Nutrition Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

15.  Geography Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

16.  Theatre Arts Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

17.  French Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

18.  Biology Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

19.  Business Studies Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V -VI

20.  Chinese Language Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

21.  Physics Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

22.  Fasihi ya Kiswahili Elimu ya Sekondari Kidato cha V - VI

23.  History Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

24.  Muhtasari wa Somo la Kiswahili Elimu ya Sekondari Kidato cha V - VI

25.  Historia ya Tanzania na Maadili Kidato cha V - VI

26.  Music Syllabus for Advanced Secondary Education Form V - VI

27.  Academic Communication Syllabus for Advanced Secondary School Form V - VI

28.  Muhtasari wa Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu Kidato cha V - VI


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